In a country filled with bearded HARD GAY men, conflicts are bound to occur, and right now, that scheming and ambitious Cao Cao has raised his hand against the good and righteous Liu Bei. Who will emerge victorious in this struggle- and will the writers ever remember about Sun Quan and the kingdom of Wu?
“Damn you!”
Zhang Fei is amazed to find a man who does not want HARD GAY with him.
Everyone wants to be part of the Justice Team.
Zhang Fei is not interested in HARD GAY with criminals.
Nonetheless, after introductions are made, he is eager to ask Shan Fu out on a date.
Cao Cao reveals his HARD GAY wish list.
Cao Ren is eager for some HARD GAY action.
Cao Cao advises him on the optimum bedroom arrangement.
He also puts in a request for a HARD GAY partner of his own.
Liu Bei and Guan Yu are not happy to see that Zhang Fei has a new man in his life.
Reading books is far superior to real life military experience.
The disappointment of not being on Cao Cao’s HARD GAY roster is too much to bear.
Then again, when you have 5000 men, it’s hard to service them all.
Not to mention the fact that Cao Cao still has his sights set on Liu Bei.
Liu Bei likes to keep up with all the lastest HARD GAY news.
Liu Bei hates the idea of enemies having a good time so close to his home.
Liu Bei’s HARD GAY setup seems inferior to that of Cao Cao.
Shan Fu admits that he has had no prior HARD GAY experience.
Nonetheless, he still has a reasonable idea of how it works.
Out on the battlefield, Zhang Fei decides to nominate Lu Xiang as his partner.
Despite his inexperience, Shan Fu has proven himself to be good at HARD GAY, but according to him, there is someone even better.
Although he knows that Liu Bei must soon move onto Zhuge Liang, Shan Fu is happy to have had even this much HARD GAY.
Cao Cao is disappointed to find that the Lu brothers do not live up to their reputation in the bedroom.
At least he has a better command of grammar than “let’s prepare to war” Liu Bei.
Cao Cao is secure in the knowledge that he is having more fun in the bedroom than Liu Bei.
Zhao Yun’s latest partner decides to break up with him.
The secret to successful HARD GAY is revealed.
It wouldn’t feel right without at least one “Damn you!” per episode.
Cao Cao’s followers are eager for some S&M.
Cao Cao is interested to learn that Shan Fu is an expert ‘swordsman’.
…and thanks to his experience with Liu Bei, he is truly a master in the bedroom.
His skill simply cannot be overestimated.
Cao Cao is jealous of Liu Bei’s way with men.
Shan Fu is just what a jaded man like Cao Cao needed to spice up his love life.
Could there still be hope for a partnership?
Cao Cao is truly grasping, ambitious and chaotic.
Don’t Worry, Kingdom of Wu will get enough screen time in the battle of Red Cliff(it spans over 8-10 episodes).
Yay for Azure Flame’s Romance of the Three Hard Gays saga! 😀