El Cazador de la Bruja parody episode 13

After last episode, Ellis has become increasingly curious about the ways of STRAIGHT, and to Nadie’s horror, she seems on the verge of giving up HARD YURI in order to try it. Will Nadie indulge her partner’s new fancy, or will she desperately try to prove that HARD YURI is best?

Bee Train likes their symbolic Liang images.

A new Resident Evil style level begins.

“Damn, I set up my camera upside down again- hopefully no one will notice.”

“There was probably an outbreak of zombies or something.”

“Should we stick with HARD YURI, or try something different?”

“I’m still considering STRAIGHT.”

“Ah, sipping tea in a chair with ready access to cybersex chatrooms- this is the life!”

“…LiangDude88? What turns you on?”

“That’s a Liang, Ellis- if you want to master STRAIGHT, you’re going to have to learn more about it.”

“Be warned- in HARD YURI circles, Liangs are considered a biohazard.”

“Those cheapskate animators- they’ve forgotten to put in a background again!”

“I want to learn more about these Liangs, Nadie.”

“Fine- maybe if you find out a bit more about them, you’ll get over your fascination with STRAIGHT.”

“Could it be time for us to also investigate that other side known as STRAIGHT?”

Ellis has difficulty understanding the proper procedure for Gun STRAIGHT.

“…with guns… yep, that’s how you get rid of bacteria- high precision guns.”

“Stormtroopers- fire!”

(“This is bad- I may actually have to participate in an action scene.”)

This luxury home in need of minor improvements can be yours for a bargain £750,000.

Nadie waits for the production staff to send her some more weapons, not realising that she has to run around the battlefield and randomly find ammo in crates.

Ellis begins having Hyper Self Pleasure waves intense enough to burn a chair.

The Pleasure waves also affect LA.

“I must kill the main character and take her place!”

Kirika sat on a scaffold in the first episode of Noir, which means that El Cazador has taken half the series to get to the same point.

“Hmm, how do I get down from here?”

Meanwhile, Rosenberg meets with one of his internet buddies.

“…since you last logged on, Generic_Evil.”

“Would you like real HARD GAY instead of the virtual kind?”

Commence action level with platforming elements.

“Damn, I hate these parts where you have to swing.”

“Fancy meeting you here.”


“That’s me.”

“I hear you’re interested in STRAIGHT, and I’m just the man to enlighten you.”

“I too want to try out new forms of Pleasure.”

“In terms of intensity, I can’t match you.”

“But my Pleasure is many levels above that which a mere human can provide.”

“If I burn these slides of STRAIGHT techniques, it will help stop Ellis from getting interested in it.”

“Now then, let us try STRAIGHT.”

“Actually, I’m not so sure I want STRAIGHT anymore.”

“Find a hobby or something.”

“She will never let you leave the HARD YURI side!”

“I shouldn’t have tried to force to have STRAIGHT.”

“Oh well, she won’t be able to resist my toned physique and bishie good looks for long.”

“Gwakaka, did you forget about us, the pointless attackers?”

“Damn, foiled again…I really need to buy a more compact mobile phone.”

“Oh hello, is this the director? I just wanted to ask if he’d chosen a name for me yet.”

“Your HARD GAY was most excellent.”

“I love efficient German HARD GAY.”

“Well then, let us conclude the evening by sitting in chairs and sipping wine evilly.”

“A splendid plan.”

Nadie tries to re-indoctrinate Ellis in the ways of HARD YURI with the symbolic anti-male ritual known as the Roasting of the Sausage.


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2 Responses to El Cazador de la Bruja parody episode 13

  1. KaMen says:

    Ehm… maybe you want to consider to parody Towards the Terra ?

    It’s a traditional HARD GAY vs. BI anime and it’s good to watch 🙂

  2. Karura says:

    Hehe, just when I think about slowing down parody new suggestions come rolling in. I haven’t watched any of Terra E yet but I’ll give it a shot and see if I think I can make a good parody out of it.

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