School Rumble Sangakki
According to its official site, a third season of School Rumble has been given the go-ahead, with two episodes of this new “Third Term” to be released with the first editions of manga volumes 21-22 (we assume there will be more to the series than these two episodes).
Entertainment correspondent Aria: Punyu. [Here at Azure Flame, we had serious issues with the basic crappiness of the second season, and having read ahead in the manga and found little of interest, we no longer care enough about School Rumble to watch it.]
Maria-sama ga Miteru licensed (no question mark this time)
Following speculation here and there, Maria-sama ga Miteru’s three seasons (two TV series and one OVA) have been licensed by Right Stuf. Each season will be released in a boxset complete with its corresponding DVD specials, with the first season due out in July for $49.99.
Entertainment correspondent Aria: Punyu. [This will please the devout fans of the series, but even though we liked the two TV series, we were turned off the whole franchise by the dull OVA. Even so, we will be watching season four.]
Clannad 24 to be DVD only
Clannad fans, your waiting time has been extended, for episode 24 is to be the latest of many DVD-only instalments, and won’t be hitting shelves until this July. In the meantime, episode 22 will be the official series ending, with episode 23 being billed as a summer special. Clear as mud, eh?
Financial correspondent Mr Tibbs: These sorts of DVD-only episodes may frustrate the fanbase, but it also makes them keen to lap up the new content when it comes. Then again, those who are less enthused about the series tend to just forget about it and not bother seeing the series through.
Slayers gets a new TV series
Slayers fans, rejoice- a fourth season has finally been confirmed. With an anime-original storyline, this new series will be aired across two separate thirteen-episode seasons, although no further details are known at this time.
Entertainment correspondent Aria: Punyu! [At last, something everyone here is looking forward to- bring it on!]
ADV titles back on track?
As you may or may not recall, a couple of months ago, ADV removed various titles from its website, leading to speculation that it was either dropping them or going under completely a la Geneon. As it turns out, the problem seems to arise from one of their investors and licensing partners, and fortunately, many of the series in question are back on track for release. The hope is that all titles can eventually be restored.
Licensing correspondent The Admiral: Hiccups this these can occur between any two companies, but hopefully here the consumers won’t miss out on their DVDs.
Macross Frontier cream puffs
In our continuing coverage of anime-related food, we could not resist reporting that Japan’s am/pm stores are to start selling Macross Frontier themed cream puffs at the end of March. The cream puffs will come in both “Lanka” (green tea) and “Sheryl” (custard) flavours.
Social correspondent The Cardinal: Mmm…tasty.
Nippon Ichi opts for DS remakes
As reported over at moetron, Nippon Ichi will be remaking three of their titles for DS- the first Disgaea game (already remade for PSP), puzzler Jigsaw World and early SRPG title Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. The playing experience in Disgaea will once again be updated to incorporate the stylus and dual screen, whilst Jigsaw World will be gaining battle elements. Further details will be revealed as they become available.
Gaming correspondent Mikoto: I’m interested to see if NIS can improve on Rhapsody as the original was a bit lacking after a few hours’ play, but I wish they weren’t so hung up on repackaging Disgaea again and again.
Rhapsody was great the way it was. A Musical Adventure by it´s true name 🙂
Otherwise, I want Clannad released in the states NOW so I can start buying the DVDs!!
Or wait, I have to get my hands on Kanon and Air first…
I liked Rhapsody at first but when it got to the point of collecting elemental stones in identical looking dungeons I got bored- plus the battles were so incredibly easy.
Air is all I need, preferably in thinpak form 😉