Tsubasa Chronicle: Fei Wong’s Lament


I think I am going mad. Ever since I dropped the remote down the back of the sofa all those months ago, my television has been stuck on Syaoran TV and I can’t even get out my chair to switch it off.

I’ve tried everything, I really have. First, I tried to use Princess Sakura’s powers to make a new remote, but that went horribly wrong. Then, I thought I might as well let Syaoran and his friends collect her feathers for me whilst I watched, but even that proved to be too slow going to entertain me. I even decided to throw in a few mid-bosses to liven things up, but it’s no good- I want Sky Movies!

And one more thing, just who exactly is this woman that’s always with me? I thought she was supposed to be my carer, but anyone who refuses to take me to the bathroom or even turn off that infernal TV doesn’t deserve that title. Why don’t I even know her name? Please, if anyone’s out there reading this, you have to help me- I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

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4 Responses to Tsubasa Chronicle: Fei Wong’s Lament

  1. Pingback: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Rant, Appraisal and Guided Tour, all in one neat package « Azure Flame

  2. Nikkuman says:


  3. syueran says:

    i think you need to relax and let it go

  4. Pingback: Azure Flame Reloaded » Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Rant, Appraisal and Guided Tour, all in one neat package

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