Cao Cao may have brought Guan Yu to his side, but winning his heart will be another matter entirely. Can any gift, no matter how extravagant, hope to erase the memories of his dear Liu Bei from Guan Yu’s heart?
Liu Bei and Guan Yu’s relationship faces its toughest challenge yet.
Cao Cao shamelessly uses flattery in an attempt to open the door to Guan Yu’s heart.
Realising that words alone may not be enough, Cao Cao backs up his sweet nothings with some gifts for his new love.
Liu Bei’s wife immediately sizes up the situation.
Cao Cao’s advisor is envious of all the time his master now spends with Guan Yu.
Cao Cao is eager to spend every waking moment with Guan Yu.
Guan Yu explains that he was busy ‘riding’ his horse.
Cao Cao understands the complications of bestiality.
Cao Cao invites Guan Yu to his room.
Cao Cao explains how he became HARD GAY after ‘conquering’ Lu Bu, leading to an unquenchable libido.
Could it be that Cao Cao has finally won Guan Yu’s heart?
…then again, maybe not.
Liu Bei simply holds too great a sway over Guan Yu’s emotions.
Cao Cao’s gift strategy is revealed to be useless
Cao Cao isn’t pleased at the prospect of Guan Yu one day leaving him.
Nonetheless, he is filled with renewed resolve to prevent this from happening.
Elsewhere, there are others who are interested in HARD GAY with Cao Cao.
Cao Cao is impressed with Guan Yu’s stamina in bed.
There’s always someone waiting to spoil the party.
Cao Cao remains impressed at Guan Yu’s ‘service’.
The prospect of a man more HARD GAY than Guan Yu is more than Cao Cao dared hope for.
Until he has proof, however, he remains sceptical.
That description is generic enough that it can only fit one person in all of China.
In Liu Bei’s opinion, finding one HARD GAY man out of so many isn’t as easy as all that.
It wouldn’t be ROTK without “Damn you!”