Lia confronts Louis.
Louis: Yes, I was the one who killed Lia, Marie and, er, what’s-her-name through intense STRAIGHT. That is why HARD GAY has abandoned me and left me to rot.
Meanwhile, Robin has a cross melted down and turned into bullets.
(Robin: These holy bullets will surely produce a heavenly BI experience.)
Robespierre: Killing the king will not put an end to HARD GAY- if we do not show the people that BI is a viable replacement, they will only long for more of the same.
Robin: Don’t worry- I will show them the strength of BI.
Robespierre: Good boy; now let’s go and have the BI to end all other BI.
Meanwhile, in Louis’ room…
D’Eon: Why did you have to kill Lia? Was she too popular a character to be left alive.
Broglie: Lia and Robespierre’s STRAIGHT was too dangerous- it threatened the HARD GAY fabric of France.
Louis: Although it was a distasteful thing to do, I had fatal STRAIGHT with Lia. When Robespierre learned of it, however, he realised the value of women and chose to forsake pure HARD GAY in favour of accursed BI.
D’Eon: Lia sacrificed so much in preparation for this series!
Louis: Indeed, and yet there is more exposition to reveal. For example, I am not truly of the royal bloodline, for it was prophesied that the true heir would be too HARD GAY for even France to handle. Thus, Maximilien and I were exchanged, but now it seems that I am not HARD GAY enough, for my dalliances in STRAIGHT have caused me to rot.
D’Eon: But Lia can open the Book of HARD GAY, and she is a woman!
Louis: Lia is one of the previous king’s illegitimate children; when I sought to separate from Maximilien, it was not so much from fear of STRAIGHT as a desire to avoid incest. Although that being said, I cannot help but be resentful towards STRAIGHT, for when I learned the truth of my lineage I always knew I would never truly escape it no matter how HARD GAY I tried to be. Look- I can’t even give myself Hyper Self Pleasure now.
Louis tries to give himself Sword, but he cannot.
D’Eon: Could you stop talking about yourself? This exposition is getting boring.
Robespierre, Robin, Giuseppe and Lorenza enter.
Robespierre: Stop prattling on about HARD GAY, old man- this is the era of BI!
Lorenza: Everyone is sick of this lengthy exposition! Let’s have a Psalm Battle!
Lorenza and Lia have a Psalm battle, but Lia is clearly stronger.
Robespierre: Lia and d’Eon in one body- I can no longer hold back the urge to have Sword!
Robespierre gives Lia-d’Eon intense Sword.
Robespierre: Let me give you Sword good enough to send you to the next world!
Just as it seems that Robespierre is about to kill Lia-d’Eon, the Book of HARD GAY opens and dispels his attack.
Robespierre: Could it be that HARD GAY is rejecting the concept of BI?
Suddenly, Gargoyle Saint-Germain bursts in through the window.
Robin: Saint-Germain! His corpse must be animated by his intense cravings for HARD GAY!
Lorenza: I will stop him with HARD YURI!
Saint-Germain resists Lorenza’s HARD YURI magic.
Giuseppe: In that case, let me satisfy his cravings with Sword!
Even Giuseppe’s Sword is not enough to stop Saint-Germain. Lia-d’Eon attacks next, but even s/he cannot stop Saint-Germain, who leaps onto Louis’ bed. Louis gives him Sword.
Louis: Yes, this is as it should be…how ironic that a corpse would be my last HARD GAY experience…
Saint-Germain is weakened.
Robin: Let’s all join in and have some CORPSE!
Robin gives Saint-Germain Pistol, which Lia-d’Eon follows up with Sword. The Sword shatters, but Saint-Germain is dispatched in a purple aura of HARD GAY.
Robin: Now to put an end to foul HARD GAY!
Robin tries to give Louis fatal Pistol, but his gun will not fire.
(Robin: Is my weapon rejecting the idea of HARD GAY now that I have had CORPSE and BI?)
Robespierre picks up the Book of HARD GAY and hands it to Robin.
Robespierre: Lia, the time is near to transform this Book of HARD GAY into a Book of BI. What do you say to that?
Broglie: HARD GAY forever!
Broglie gives Robespierre Sword.
Robespierre: Why didn’t you do this when I was a child? If only you had, I might have lived a life of HARD GAY, never wishing to seek out STRAIGHT or BI.
Robespierre causes Broglie to collapse.
Robespierre: Okay, the series is drawing to a close; let’s go outside to tie up the plot.
Robespierre, Robin, Lia-d’Eon, Giuseppe and Lorenza go outside, leaving Louis indoors.
Louis: Oh cruel plot, leaving me to rot in here alone!
Outside, Robespierre says farewell to his companions.
Robespierre: According to the director, my time here is up. Robin, you must continue spreading BI across Europe in my name.
Next, Robespierre talks to Lia-d’Eon.
Robespierre: I must go to the next world, for this plane of existence can no longer satisfy my intense BI cravings.
Robespierre dies; elsewhere, the Book of HARD GAY becomes the Book of BI, and Robin opens it. He sees a vision of BI before Lia-d’Eon interrupts him.
Lia: Robin, you can still go back to being a supporting character- just give me the Book of BI.
Robin: Haha, I have the Book, and you’re never getting your hands on it!
Lorenza and Giuseppe’s carriage conveniently comes by, and Robin jumps into it.
(Lia-d’Eon: Damn, I really wanted that Book.)
Older d’Eon begins to narrate as we see d’Eon burning his sister’s corpse.
Older d’Eon: On that day, I knew there were no more threats to my role as main character, but I also knew that the series had ended. All I could do was indulge in my fetish for women’s clothing and watch as Robin’s BI conflicted with Broglie’s HARD GAY. From then on, events proceeded as history dictated, whilst I went to England for BI with Queen Charlotte. And now, all I can do is make money by turning my story into an anime…
The end.
And thus ends an era of HARD GAY. T_T