A new era, a new domain

So, after months of being on WordPress, I’ve taken up Randall Fitzgerald’s offer of free hosting on ikimashou.net. What does this mean for you, the reader? Well, the original WordPress blog will stay where it is, and I’ll still reply to any comments that appear on there, but from now on all new content will be posted on http://azureflame.ikimashou.net, so please update all links and bookmarks. As I’m sure you’ll notice, the sidebar on the new blog isn’t ready yet, but I’ll be tinkering with it soon, and for now the Episode Guides section is down since WordPress imported what were meant to be sub-pages as posts. So just be patient, and everything will be back to normal soon, with a new theme, new banner and the long-awaited poll function, among other things.

In case anyone is wondering, my non-anime blog, the creatively entitled Azure Flame B-Side, will be continuing on WordPress as normal.

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16 Responses to A new era, a new domain

  1. Neriya says:

    Hmm…it seems to take a noticeable amount longer to load pages here than it did on wordpress…

  2. Karura says:

    Nooooo…don’t ruin the moment ;p

    It does seem slightly slower for me but not noticeably so; it may just be a lot of the elements on the WordPress blog were already cached on your computer and here it’s loading for the first time. Failing that, hopefully it’s just some other small but temporary issue that will go away soon.

  3. Neriya says:

    Haha, but moment ruining is one of my talents.

    But no, it’s not caching I’m afraid, it was slow the second/third times I accessed topics as well or I wouldn’t have commented. I also tried opening a older topic on the wordpress one, and it opened faster than one that should have been cached here ._.; The requests to the server themselves are taking longer to be responded to here…

    Let’s just hope for temporary server issues 🙂

  4. Sasa says:

    Oh hey fellow ikimashou-hosted person! XD

    Actually I never noticed this server to be slow, hmm…

  5. TheBigN says:

    Hrm. What do you see are the benefits from moving over to this hosting? 😛

  6. Seleria says:

    Congratulations on the move ^^ Hope you’ll get things up and running soon ^^

  7. Hey, about the server speed issues. I would hope my private single user hosting account would be just a tad slower than a full on server farm hosted environment like WordPress.com.

    The truth of the matter is, though, the server I am on has been under a bit of a high load. I am going to be working with my host to see what they can do about it, but the page loads aren’t that slow. Still, working on it anyway. Going to try to see why the main site is still so snappy but the subdomains all seem to be sort of a step behind.

  8. Neriya says:

    Now I’m not sure of the number of blogs you host, or the volume of traffic hitting them, but while wordpress have a server farm, they also have an exponentially greater number of blogs hosted, and thus an exponentially greater amount of traffic.

    The main site, while being faster than the subdomain still takes a little longer than most sites to establish connections.

  9. Alrighty. I think the issues with the slow loading stem from EITHER the comment plugin (less likely) but I’d still recommend using Brian’s Latest Comments if you’re just using the Latest Comments plugin. Brian’s is better coded.


    Otherwise, I would guess it’s possibly the RSS thingy. I am looking into new hosts at the moment, so it’ll get fixed either way, I hope. The only problem really being that all the hosts that seem to be able ot meet my needs have MORE complaints than my current host. Or at least more valid complaints. I was looking at mediaTemple, but their new Grid service is apparently fucked to all hell. Haha. Ah well, more looking.

  10. Also, it looks like your site (and another hosted one) were put on some really high pull servers, so they’re going unacceptably slow. I’ve asked for them to be pointed elsewhere. Hopefully that will do it.

  11. KaMen says:

    So… I updated the bookmark. I don’t want to miss any Hard Gay parodies, keep up the good work.

  12. ALRIGHTY! I got you moved over to a new server and everything looks MUCH snappier. If anyone has any complaints they can take it up with… someone else. 😀

    Please to enjoy.

  13. Oh, and now it’s being sort of funky again. haha. Ah well. I’ll see what we can do. Worse comes to worst, I will switch hosts 😀

  14. Martin says:

    Congrats on getting everything moved over! I’m not noticing any major glitches but the layout seems to have changed to the new one so I’m guessing my cache refreshed fine too. esides, it’s a lot cheaper and less time-consuming this way than maintaining your own web space!

  15. Karura says:

    Sorry for the lack of replies, I’ve been away for the weekend and dealing with a dying laptop…thanks for the help, Randall 🙂 and I’ll give Brian’s Latest Comments a look.

    TheBigN, the idea of moving here is to have more customisability for my blog without having to spend money I don’t have on my own domain.

  16. Well, Karura, something I didn’t mention that I maybe should have, if you want to register a domain name (I recommend http://namesecure.com), I’d be happy to point it at the site here. They cost $7.95/year and I’d just need the name after you register it, and then I could point it at the site here for you. 😀

    I AM SO NICE! 😀

    Anyway, if you want to do that, it’d be better to mail or IM me, since it can be a fairly involved process. Drop me a line if that’s something you want to do.

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