Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have been separate from their beloved Liu Bei for a while now, but at long last the time has come for their long-awaited reunion. Will love be in the air as the HARD GAY brothers rediscover each other?
Where better to have a strategy meeting than the house of a random farmer?
Just as you would expect a horse thief to do, really.
It’s also the only named horse of the era.
Despite Liu Bei’s argument that there are many men with long beards, some people just can’t accept that a bearded man could be anyone other than Guan Yu.
Even criminals want to join the path of righteousness when Liu Bei and his brothers are around.
Just as there is only one bearded man of note, there is only one named drunkard- Zhang Fei.
Guan Yu seems eager to get down to HARD GAY.
What is ROTK without ‘Damn you’?
Zhang Fei is unwilling to have HARD GAY with a man who slept with Cao Cao.
Guan Yu tries to convince Zhang Fei that they should reconcile.
Zhang Fei still isn’t having any of it.
Only a show of ‘spears’ can resolve this.
Zhang Fei goes so far as to suspect that Guan Yu wants to send him to Cao Cao for HARD GAY.
Zhang Fei wants Guan Yu to have HARD GAY with Cai Yang so that he can judge whether or not his technique has been influenced by nights with Cao Cao.
Finally, the two brothers are able to reconcile.
Who couldn’t be loyal to the Lord of Righteousness?
A friend of Liu Bei is a friend of Justice.
Each and every one of Liu Bei’s strategies are flawless and superlative.
Yuan Shao is a man who always gives it his all and exhausts every avenue.
Liu Bei offers to persuade Liu Bao by giving him HARD GAY. Who could refuse such an offer?
Yuan Shao is nothing if not overly ambitious.
At long last, Guan Yu and Liu Bei are reunited.
Everyone recognises the face of Liu Bei.
Zhao Yun returns to join in with the HARD GAY.
How could anyone mistake men loyal to Liu Bei as a mere bunch of robbers?
Guan Ping is eager to start a relationship with Guan Yu.
Unfortunately for him, Guan Yu has standards to maintain.
He does, however, offer to adopt Guan Ping and teach him HARD GAY techniques.
Zhang Fei is overjoyed to be by Liu Bei’s side once again.
This is the extent of the attention that can be given to Wu.